Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Mother's Day, even if it's late.

I have been a mother for almost half of my life.
It's not exactly what I thought it would be.

Before I had children I had no idea
what it was to love someone else before they
even took a breath.

Before I had children I had no idea
that I would choose to go without something
to provide for them.

Before I had children I had no idea
that they could be precious little angels one minute
and such stinkers the next.

Before  I had children I had no idea
that hugs and kisses from them
really are the best gifts.

Before I had children I had no idea
that being a mother would
change me into a better woman.

Here's just a few of my favorite pictures
of my babies.
Cause even though they're getting big,
they'll always be my babies.



  1. I agree with everything you wrote!
    Being a mom is more than we could ever dream of!
    Your children are beautiful!
    God bless your sweet family.

  2. Love the pictures. You can tell just by looking at the ones you chose that they are truly your pride and joy. What a lucky mama you are!


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