Let me just start by telling you that
even though I have not posted recently,
it doesn't mean that all has been quiet on the
homefront. No. No. No. Quite the
Here's a few things, in case you were
1. Olivia turned 13. Got a cell phone.
And has not stopped talking/texting since.
2. Josh got superglue all over his fingers while
trying to fix a wooden snake, that he got for free from a
yard sale. (Please note that I glued the snake earlier
in the day, but Meghan broke it. Again. So, the two
of them were trying to fix it. Again. For safety reasons
do not let a 16 year old and an almost 8 year old play
with superglue.) Guess we should rethink the motto:
"If it's free. It's for me."
For awhile, it seemed as though it might
break him from sucking his two fingers, but alas when the
glue came off he resumed his old habits. That boy went
through some serious withdrawals! (I told him
that it was poison and he might die if he sucked his
fingers with it on there. What?!?! Someday I'll tell you
what my dad said to me that stopped me from
sucking my thumb, and I'm still ok.)
3. The girls are both planning slumber parties for this
weekend. I'm not sure how that happened. I
must be crazy. Sometimes it's just easier to do what
they want, when they want, than it is to listen to the
"You said I could have a slumber party for my birthday."
"She always gets to have friends over. Why don't I?"
"This summer has been so boring. I haven't seen my
friends all summer..." So I put up the white flag of
surrender and am letting them both have a party. This
weekend. Friday night. Around 10-15 girls. Teenage
girls. That's a lot of hormones. I'm going to buy
an economy size bottle of Tylenol. And earplugs.
I'm running away. Can I come over Friday? This
4. Hubs bought me a resin rooster from a yard sale
last week. I love it. It's big, fat, black and has
some funky shoes on its feet. I collect roosters.
But I'm a bit of a rooster snob. Not every rooster
piece is worthy of my collection. It has to be unique.
(Note: In 17 years of marriage I've never known him to
go to yard sales without me dragging him along.
He did good. Times are a changing.)
5. Big changes are going on at work. I'm probably
going back to 3rd shift which I don't mind really, but
giving up my dayshift spot makes me nervous. What
if thirds ends up sucking, and then I'm stuck? S-T-U-C-K.
I made a list of pros and cons. I'll share them with you.
Pros: I am not a morning person.
I won't have to use an alarm clock.
I can go to the kids daytime activities without having to
take off from work (which may or may not happen).
Less politics.
Pay differential.
Cons: Hubs sleeps at night.
Trying to sleep during the day when
the kids are home for the summer.
Suffice it for me to say...I am glad for the change.
I think.
6. I've been suffering from an identity crisis related to my blog.
It all started when I read some blog advice. One very active/
successful blogger made the suggestion that bloggers should
link their blog to a specific area of interest. Uh Oh. Now we
have a problem. Where do I fit in? I'm not really a crafter
(though I would love to be). I'm not into politics (that's Hubs
arena). I would be ashamed to post pictures of the meals I
cook and feed to my family (I would totally have to plagerize
other peoples pictures, and that just wouldn't be honest). So you
see my dilemna? Where do I belong? What do you all think?
7. I made a fruit arrangement at the
Relief Society meeting last
night and accidently stabbed myself with the skewer.
8. The other day while I was doing dishes I had the best conversation
with Josh as he was rolling around under my feet and all over the
kitchen floor.
Josh: "Do you bewieve in mustard seed?"
Me: "Yes. Do you mean do I have faith the size of a mustard seed?"
Josh: "Yeah that's it. Do you?"
Me: "Well I hope that I do, but I'm not sure I could move a mountain."
Josh: "I do. I need it to move a twee."
Me: "Just don't move it in my way." (JK. I didn't really say that)
Cute. Huh? Good teaching moment.
9. I'm thinking about redecorating my kitchen. The budget will be
modest. If I post some pictures will you give me your thoughts?
10. Dear Brother, if you're reading this you should schedule
some time on your calendar to assist your favorite sister
with her budget friendly kitchen remodel.
11. Dear Sisters, you can come and help too.
Ok. Just needed to end on ten.
(Little Sis kindly pointed out (because she loves me)
in her comment that I do not know how to spell unique,
so I corrected it. She did fail to notice; however,
that I do not know how to count either because I had two #3's.
I think it's related to the proposed trauma of the
upcoming weekend. The problem with having numbered
wrong it makes my numbers off now, but I'm too tired
to care. Please forgive me. And pray for me. I
need it.)
Blog ya later, Missy